A dialogue on leading companies unafraid to explore new business horizons with Nancy ALBIN, Co-founder of Los Angeles Habilitation House; and Andreas WIDMER, Director of the Entrepreneurship Programs, Catholic University of America. This event is organized in collaboration with the WorkCenter in D.C.
To download the invitation, click here: Doing Business in Uncharted Waters. For additional reading in relation to this event, download: From the heart: work. From work: works. by Fr. Giussani
“Work is an expression of being. This awareness is a breath of fresh air for the worker who toils in his workplace for eight hours and for the entrepreneur working hard to develop his business. But our being- that which the Bible calls “heart”- is made of courage, tenacity, cleverness, hard work; it is thirst for truth and happiness. There are no works, from the humble one of the housewife to the brilliant one of the designer that can escape this reference and this search for a complete satisfaction and human fulfillment...
Desire is the spark with which an engine gets started. Every human action is born from this phenomenon, from this dynamism which constitutes man. It’s desire that turns on ‘man’s engine.’ As a consequence, he starts looking for bread and water, for work, for a woman; he looks for a more comfortable armchair and a better house. He starts getting interested in the fact that some people have more than others, he looks at the fact that some people are treated in a certain way and he’s not, precisely because of the growing and maturing of these inspirations he has within himself.”
What gives the courage to change careers or to enter unexplored entrepreneurial territories? The speakers will address these questions by recounting their own stories.