Photo credit: Takeshi Miyamoto
Etsuro Sotoo
Etsuro Sotoo was born in Fukuoka in 1953. After graduating in Fine Arts by the Kyoto City University of Arts, he worked one year as a teacher in Arts in Kyoto and Osaka. Since 1978, he works as a sculptor in the Expiatory Temple of Sagrada Familia.
From the many sculptures he has created, 15 are emplaced in the Fachada del Nacimiento (Nativity Façade), started by Gaudí himself and finished by Etsuro Sotoo in 2000. In 2005 it was declared Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, becoming the only part with Cripta of the Temple declared so. Finished 2015 The door of Nativity of Sagrada Familia, and Ambon for Altar of Duomo di Firenze.
He has received many awards, including Art of Spirit Award from Culture of Catholic and the Cultural Award given by the Fukuoka Prefecture. He has presented an exposition “THE REALISM OF GAUDI AND THE HOPE OF EUROPE” at the European Parliament in Brussels with great international success.
At present, apart from continuing in the construction of the Temple, he is visitor professor of many University of Arts in Fukuoka ,Moji, Tenri, etc.