Friday, February 14, 2025
9:00 pm ET | Pavilion Auditorium

A Life Rich in Music

Piano concert in memory of Fr. Luigi Giussani, accompanied by his reflections on music, with Kuok-Wai Lio, classical pianist, and Deniz Demirer, actor, introduced by Pier Paolo Bellini, Professor of Sociology, University of Molise and the curator of the Spirto Gentil music series, and Christopher Vath, musician

“In music, in the panorama of nature, in dreams at night (as Leopardi himself wrote in his Canto Notturno...), it is to something else that man pays homage, from which he expects something: he awaits it. His enthusiasm is for something that music, or everything that is beautiful in the world, has awakened within him. When a person begins to feel this, his soul immediately harks to await the other thing: even in the presence of what he can grasp, he awaits another thing. He grasps what he can grasp, but he awaits another thing.”
— Fr. Luigi Giussani

Fr. Giussani's comments will accompany the concert performed by the world-renowned classical pianist Kuok-Wai Lio.