
Exhibit presentation:
Sunday, January 14, 2018
11:00 Am | Auditorium, ground floor
At the event: A Human Gaze, a History

Life and works of Father Luigi Giussani, founder of Communion and Liberation

"From my Life to Yours" has been prepared by U.S. college students of Communion and Liberation on the occasion of the release of Fr. Giussani's biography in English. Beside presenting his essential biographical notes, the exhibits retraces some of the main contents of Fr. Giussani's proposal, and portrays numerous eyewitness accounts of American people who had the chance to personally meet him.

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"...Father Giussani truly desired not to have life for his own sake: instead he gave life, and it is precisely in this that he found it not only for himself, but for so many others. He lived out what we heard in the Gospel. He did not wish to be served but to serve. He was a faithful servant of the Gospel. He gave away all the wealth of his heart, he gave away all the divine wealth of the Gospel that permeated him. By this service, by giving his life, this life of his has borne rich fruit, as we can see in this very moment..."

From the Homily of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger at Fr. Giussani's Funeral Mass, February 24, 2005

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