A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are built for: Education in the 21st Century
3:00 PM15:00

A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are built for: Education in the 21st Century

A dialogue among educators and physicians organized by  TeachCollab with Francesco BOIN, rheumatologist, Director of the Scleroderma Clinic, UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco; Peter STOKMAN, cardiologist, Minneapolis Heart Institute, Crosby; Changsheng ZHANG MD, Joint PhD candidate, research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. and  Carolina BRITO (moderator), Dean of Curriculum and Instruction, Cristo Rey High School, Boston.

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Generating Beauty: the New Beginning at the End of the World
1:00 PM13:00

Generating Beauty: the New Beginning at the End of the World

A presentation by AVSI-USA with John Waters, journalist.

“On the peripheries of existence”-- these are words Pope Francis frequently uses to describe some of the poorest areas of our world, communities where misery, conflicts and starvation are so overwhelming that they seem to call into question the very dignity of those among us that suffer the most. Join AVSI-USA and acclaimed Irish journalist John Waters as they discuss what lies at the heart of poverty and how, even in the most difficult situations, the AVSI Foundation has been able to generate lasting hope and human flourishing."

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Anna Karenina Through the Lens of Three Marriages
8:15 PM20:15

Anna Karenina Through the Lens of Three Marriages

Well-Read Mom presentation with Laurie Collins Quirk, Chair of the English Department of Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, Washington D.C.

In Anna Karenina, one views the complexity of life through the lens of three marriages. Set in a society plagued by corruption yet valuing what the ideal and stability of family provides, Anna Karenina is the story of three women who seek love and meaning in their lives.  It is in this place, between the idealized vision of what a person wants and imagines will lead to happiness and the reality of what a person actually has, that the true person emerges. 

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Will You Be My Life's Companion? The Lived Experience of Marriage in Light of Karol Wojtyla's The Jeweler's Shop
7:30 PM19:30

Will You Be My Life's Companion? The Lived Experience of Marriage in Light of Karol Wojtyla's The Jeweler's Shop

Well-Read Mom presentation with Paige Sanchez, Associate Superintendent of Mission Effectiveness, Archdiocese of New York, and Stephen Sanchez, Director of ComUnidad Juan Diego.

The Jeweler’s Shop was completed in 1960 while Karol Wojtyła (who became Pope John Paul II) was Bishop in Poland. This play is a meditation on the love between spouses understood as a visible presence of God’s love in and for the world.  Learn more >

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