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A discussion on the relationship between integral human development and economy with Christopher Barrett, deputy dean, College of Business, Cornell University, Sara Sievers, associate dean of policy and practice, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, and Archbishop Silvano Maria Tomasi, Apostolic Nuncio, moderated by Holly Peterson, principal designate, Nativity of Our Lord School, Broomfield, CO.

Speakers will address, from different angles, the relationship between the economy and integral human development, which also implies the formation of a unified personality, able to enter into relationships with others and build unity among people.

Co-sponsored by The Kellogg Institute for International Studies.

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Desire is like the spark with which an engine gets started. Every human action is born from this phenomenon, from this dynamism which constitutes man. It’s desire that turns on "man’s engine." As a consequence, he starts looking for bread and water, for work, for a woman; he looks for a more comfortable armchair and a better house. He starts getting interested in the fact that some people have more than others, he looks at the fact that some people are treated in a certain way and he’s not, precisely because of the increase of these stimuli he has within himself and that the Bible calls heart.
~Luigi Giussani

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